November Life Update!

Winter is upon us again. Seems to happen every year ……… anyways…….November is a month I have been looking forward to for a while now. The end of the month sees a trip to Glasgow to see my best friend and also to see the mighty Ska band – Madness perform. Growing up in theContinue reading “November Life Update!”

Karate Kid: The Next Generation!

This week saw my 7-year-old boy take his first karate lessons. As a parent, it’s crucial to provide our children with opportunities for growth and development, enabling them to explore their interests and discover their passions. Karate, which emphasises discipline, respect, and physical fitness, seemed like an ideal choice for my son. It was notContinue reading “Karate Kid: The Next Generation!”

Perspiration or Inspiration!?

As much as I love writing, there are times when I struggle with inspiration. I stare at a blank screen, willing the words to come, but nothing seems to materialize. It can be frustrating and discouraging, but recently I’ve come to the realization that it’s a natural part of the creative process. Despite these struggles,Continue reading “Perspiration or Inspiration!?”

Too Many Hobbies

Since taking German in High School, I have always wanted to be fluent in the language. However, I never seem to dedicate myself fully to it for the required amount of time before I switch to doing something else with my time. This past week I have been on various differing Language Apps doing exercisesContinue reading “Too Many Hobbies”

Proud Dad Moment

The post that was supposed to be up today just didn’t feel finished, so it is on the back burner for a while longer. Instead, I wanted to tell you about a somewhat monumental moment in a father’s life. Last night my 7-year-old asked if he could play a football game with me rather thanContinue reading “Proud Dad Moment”

Oh look a picture!

This week I have been mostly…..having a lot of issues with WordPress in my Chrome browser. This has led me to try and write and edit posts on my slightly old and outdated phone, which I can tell you is not a pleasant or fun experience. This leads us to today’s blog where not aContinue reading “Oh look a picture!”

Mysterious Sentences!

Honestly, it is getting worse, happening more often every day. The circumstances can be different every day, but it doesn’t matter the outcome will still be the same. The first time I noticed it was when glancing around my desk, I happened upon a sticky note with garbled handwriting on it. Not understanding what itContinue reading “Mysterious Sentences!”

Reading with your ears!

Audio books have revolutionized the way I consume literature. As someone who loves to read but often struggles to find the time and focus to do so, audio books have given me the ability to enjoy more books than I ever thought possible. For me, audio books are the perfect solution to any busy lifestyle.Continue reading “Reading with your ears!”