“I want details and I want them now!”

The Christmas festivities are over and done! The Turkey is all but gone, chocolates have definitely been dealt with and the kids are busy with all their new toys and games.  There is still a week left off from work, so what will occupy my time you ask? Well, let me tell you. Playing with my kids and watching theContinue reading ““I want details and I want them now!””

A (Postitve Covid) blog!

Since the pandemic spread across the world in 2020, you couldn’t have met a more vigilant human than me! The few times that required a venture outside resulted in me being masked up, hand gel in my pocket and plenty of social distancing. As time passed, as it has a tendency to, these were theContinue reading “A (Postitve Covid) blog!”

Missing in Action

It seems its been a while since I published anything on the blog. In fact it has been a while since I wrote anything longer than a google search term. Moving jobs, life changes and covid could be blamed for that but in reality , the impetus has just not been there for me toContinue reading “Missing in Action”