Stupid Dancing People in Cars

As well as being an avid reader, I am also a prolific listener of audiobooks. Friday had seen my last audiobook come to an end and I hadn’t selected a new one to listen to yet so when this morning came along with its frost and snow, I didn’t have time to pick one orContinue reading “Stupid Dancing People in Cars”

The Weird World of Collectors

Speaking with a colleague at work the other day, the subject of collections came up. Can you have a digital collection of something, be it music, video games, books, or movies? The observant among you may have noticed that I have a substantial love for all things video games. As my age now reaches theContinue reading “The Weird World of Collectors”

Google Chromeo

This artist’s recommendation is a little outside my comfort zone for this blog, but that’s the best way to improve your writing, isn’t it? My first exposure to Chromeo was around 2007 when I randomly stumbled across their album Fancy Footwork and instantly fell in love with the whole soundscape they created on that album.Continue reading “Google Chromeo”

Those pesky elves!

I know we are now in a new year, and Christmas is as far away as it will get in our minds there is still one more Christmas tale to tell. So please indulge me one last time! As a parent, I have to admit that I am always relieved when the Christmas elves returnContinue reading “Those pesky elves!”

Blogmas on the Blog

As some of you may have noticed, this past month has been hectic here on the blog. I have had my own blogmas. (In case you are not familiar with the name, Blogmas is a term used to describe a series of blog posts published during the month of December leading up to Christmas.) IContinue reading “Blogmas on the Blog”