“I want details and I want them now!”

The Christmas festivities are over and done! The Turkey is all but gone, chocolates have definitely been dealt with and the kids are busy with all their new toys and games. 

There is still a week left off from work, so what will occupy my time you ask? Well, let me tell you. Playing with my kids and watching the entirety of Seinfeld yet again.  

Like a favourite meal or most comforting drink, watching Seinfeld is a safe and happy place to be. Sure, I’ve watched the episodes hundreds of times over the years but like a warm blanket, it draws me back in every time. 

There is something intrinsically reassuring about returning to a favourite TV show, book, video game, that can allow you to chill out, switch off the ole brain and just relax. Allow the real world to pass you by for a little while longer and pretend that normal life and everything it entails, bills, work, talking to people, is a far-flung distant memory. 

Well for a wee while anyway! 

Published by Rich

Rich Gardiner is an aspiring writer based in Northern Ireland. This blog showcases his random thoughts on ...................anything and everything!

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